{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "County parcel boundaries for the state of Nevada", "description": "

These parcel datasets were provided by the Nevada State Demographer and standardized by the Division of Water Resources to have consistent fields. Not all counties provide a site city or site address. Web links to the county assessor webpage are available for individual parcels to access more detailed information.<\/SPAN><\/P>


The <\/SPAN>GIS data for county parcels cannot be shared outside the department as directed by <\/SPAN>NRS 250<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/A>. This means that you cannot copy or export GIS data for parcels from the GIS_Reference geodatabase to anyone - not a subset of the data, not a spreadsheet of the data, and not even sharing with another state agency. You can use the GIS data for normal business purposes such as printing a map to include in a permit file. The following list shows the date of the digital parcel updates by county:<\/SPAN><\/P>
