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The WellNet database contains information related to sites for surface water measurements. These data are used by NDWR to assess the condition of the groundwater and surface water systems over time and are available to the public on NDWR\u2019s website. Surface water measurement sites are chosen based on availability of dedicated measurement equipment, permit terms, and where additional flow information is required. <\/SPAN><\/P>

This dataset is updated every day from a non-spatial SQL Server database using lat/long coordinates to display location. The feature class participates in a relationship class with a surface water measure table joined using the sitename field. This dataset contains both active and inactive sites. Measurement data is provided by reporting agencies and by regular site visits from NDWR staff. <\/SPAN><\/P>

For website access, please see the Stream/Spring site at http://water.nv.gov/SpringAndStreamFlow.aspx.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV>", "copyrightText": "Nevada Division of Water Resources\nDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources\n901 S. 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