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NDWR/Monitoring_Sites_Groundwater (FeatureServer)

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Service Description:
This feature class is updated every business day from NDWR's WellNet database.

The NDWR's water monitoring database contains information related to sites for groundwater measurements. These data are used by NDWR to assess the condition of the groundwater and surface water systems over time and are available to the public on NDWR’s website. Groundwater measurement sites are chosen based on physical location and access considerations, permit terms, and to maximize the distribution of measurement points in a given basin.

This dataset is updated every business day from a non-spatial SQL Server database using lat/long coordinates to display location.  This feature class participates in a relationship class with a groundwater measure table joined using the sitename field.  This dataset contains both active and inactive sites. Measurement data is provided by reporting agencies and by regular site visits from NDWR staff. 

For website access, please see the Water Levels site at

All Layers and Tables

Has Versioned Data: false

MaxRecordCount: 500000

Supported Query Formats: JSON

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Layers: Tables: Description:

Service Item Id: 8e5eb24ac51a4ef5b0e10aa13ded886f

Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 26911  (26911)

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters

Document Info: Enable Z Defaults: false

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: true

Support True Curves : true

Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : true

Supports Return Service Edits Option : true

Supports Dynamic Layers: false

Child Resources:   Info   Query Data Elements   Relationships

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Contingent Values   QueryDomains   Extract Changes