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NDWR/SE_Groundwater_Basins___Indicators_Project_2023 (MapServer)

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Service Description:

These data provide basin-scale information of various indicators related to groundwater supply conditions in Nevada. The data sets were collectively prepared by the Division of Water Resources in October 2023 to address common questions about areas in the state where groundwater problems exist. The data sets include:

  1. Domestic well usage vs. perennial yield,

  2. Groundwater commitments vs. perennial yield,

  3. Groundwater pumping vs. perennial yield,

  4. Groundwater level trends, 1984 - 2021, and

  5. The potential magnitude of capture of surface water by groundwater pumping.

Each variable described above was reclassified to four categories or quantiles based on the general data distribution and assigned a numeric value: 1 for low classification, 2 for moderate classification, 3 for high classification, or 4 for very high classifications. The numeric value for each indicator from each hydrographic basin from the five variables was then added together for the composite score (Basin Indicator Total).

The five indicators in this basin assessment were selected because they represent common public concerns and have sufficient data available to display in map format. The composite score is just an aggregate of the five different indicators and is not an exhaustive investigation of groundwater conditions or a comprehensive presentation of groundwater problems. Additional details regarding each variable, how the data was derived, and data limitations are available in summaries prepared by NDWR staff that accompany the static maps prepared to display these data.

Map Name: Basin State Engineer Indicators 2023


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Layers: Description:

These data provide basin-scale information of various indicators related to groundwater supply conditions in Nevada. The data sets were collectively prepared by the Division of Water Resources in October 2023 to address common questions about areas in the state where groundwater problems exist. The data sets include:

  1. Domestic well usage vs. perennial yield,

  2. Groundwater commitments vs. perennial yield,

  3. Groundwater pumping vs. perennial yield,

  4. Groundwater level trends, 1984 - 2021, and

  5. The potential magnitude of capture of surface water by groundwater pumping.

Each variable described above was reclassified to four categories or quantiles based on the general data distribution and assigned a numeric value: 1 for low classification, 2 for moderate classification, 3 for high classification, or 4 for very high classifications. The numeric value for each indicator from each hydrographic basin from the five variables was then added together for the composite score (Basin Indicator Total).

The five indicators in this basin assessment were selected because they represent common public concerns and have sufficient data available to display in map format. The composite score is just an aggregate of the five different indicators and is not an exhaustive investigation of groundwater conditions or a comprehensive presentation of groundwater problems. Additional details regarding each variable, how the data was derived, and data limitations are available in summaries prepared by NDWR staff that accompany the static maps prepared to display these data.

Service Item Id: d77980b2ec6c4d01965ad4f4b97d24e0

Copyright Text: Nevada Division of Water Resources

Spatial Reference: 26911  (26911)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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